the surprise, C-(the little girls mom) and I had for several weeks been trying to work on a day that we could get the girls together. She thought they might take a family vacation up to their home state;however, it just wasn't working out. So,C- contacted me and we found a weekend that worked. C- and J- drove from their home(practically across 3 states,on a very boring interstate highway...been on it) and spent the weekend with us. Brad and I, in spite of our excitement, managed to keep it all a secret from Mandy. When they arrived at our house, Mandy was downstairs. We called her up, and the look on her face was priceless...pure joy! She was stuned at first almost as if trying to decide if J- was real. In a few short minutes, the girls renewed their close relationship, and we hardly saw them all weekend. I really enjoyed getting to visit with C- , and I pray that we have forged a lifelong friendship. We promised the girls that we would try our best to get them together as often as we possibly can arrange it. Thank You C- for going out of your way to bring J- and for your willingness for them to meet again. After they left, Mandy spent several hours opening a window to her heart sharing about her time in China, and we brought out pictures again. What a blessing it was for our sweet Mandy and for us to get to know you and to see J- happy with her forever family.
Often I reflect on the amazing blessings and journey God has lead us on through adoption. It continues to blow me away the abundance and depth of His Love. I know that God is more than amazing..He is all powerful after all, but I continue to be almost overwhelmed sometimes by the blessings, gifts and plans that He has for those that love him. It brings joy to my heart and tears to my eyes when I witness a child joining their forever family and to see the LOVE that shines through them. ...and then God gives us so much more. As God molds and leads us through this time, more and more blessings unfold. Of course, there are the beautiful children we are gifted for a time,His children,but there is so much more. We are abundantly blessed by the beautiful families that we get to meet along the way, by the plans that he unfolds as each year passes, by the growth and joy and love that these blessings give. Wow! What a Journey...
What a WONDERFUL reunion!! Just beautiful.
So glad Mandy was able to reconnect with her friend. It is amazing how God's plan unfolds in our lives.
Wow! It is SO awesome that you were able to give Mandy such a wonderful surprise. SO glad the other little one is home with her family now too.
KIM! What a wonderful gift you've given Mandy! I can't believe you were able to keep it a secret. Just an awesome story!
Jill and Rick
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