Me Dance....?
On Broadway....Mandy's tap routine...she said tap was the hardest, but she did terrific!

Daddy surprised his princesses with roses... you would have thought he gave them a million dollars.

We spent the last few days with a variety of activities most of which were related to dance (and of course, a little baseball). Brad and I spent most of the week running in opposite directions. It all began on Monday with dance recital pictures, a tball game, and buying a house. Our week has just been crazy busy and so full of LIFE. God has truly blessed us this week, in spite of our sad beginning (see previous post).
Last night was a night for our beautiful princesses to shine, and shine they did....
The past two days have been full of hair dressing, makeup, costumes, antsy little girls, pictures, and a few tantrums thrown in for good measure. Can I tell you how hard it is to fix hair and makeup on a squirmy 3 yr old?! Princess Mia likes to shine, but if it requires hours to be beautiful...she wants nothing to do with it! Maybe it was mom's lack of skill? Let's just say, after beginning with 3 boys, I wasn't in my element. It took me a little while to get the hang of it, but after 3 chances to practice, their stage makeup and hair turned out fairly well. Mandy was thrilled with it all. She was in her element and you could sense that she loved "the dance". She shined like a princess... you would never guess that she hadn't been made for that role. It had this momma in tears to think just how far she has come in the last few months. She was just beautiful, and she warmed our hearts as she waved at her momma and daddy leaving the stage. Mia was unsure of it all. She didn't take well to sitting in the dressing room until her debute on stage. I got to hear.."Could Mia's mom please come to the dressing room?"... not just on rehearsal but recital night as well... the only mom called back there .... :)! I missed Mandy's ballet the first night and almost the second. I finally had to put my foot down. Mia either had to stay backstage by herself or miss her dance ... I needed to see Mandy's dance ( she would be sure to check).
Mia decided to stop crying... because ... she loves being on stage! She had the audience roaring with laughter(she was making funny faces, wouldn't stay in line, being "very expressive",and missing her mark)... and her dad and I a bit embarrassed. Shall we say... 3 is very hard for us... , but she is a princess through and through as well. She was fun to watch, and I think she will finally get the hang of following directions. I told her daddy... "Watch out ...she is going to be our "actress". She definitely soaks in all the attention and hams it up. I love to dance and watch dancing... I always have since I was a little girl. I am thrilled that my daughters share my passion for it. I am forever grateful to God for orchestrating my life and blessing me with these two beautiful princesses. ....
"And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.
I hope you dance.
I hope you dance."
Leann Womack
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures!!! & I love the post. LIFE with kids is one of our most precious blessings, isn't it?
You have 2 really beautiful little dancers there. Enjoyed the story.
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