For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Fun

Piling on the LOVE... Big Brother is such a good sport, most of the time... Tissue Paper Pumpkins
A Budding Artist...
The crew... Minnie Mouse(Mia), Snow White(Mandy), a beat up kid(Nolan...this is as gory as mom would let him get), Spiderman(Nate), Batman(Levi), and Chef (Garrett,aka. G-Baby Live)Trick or Treating on the town square(there was a huge turnout)
Drawing out Jack's design...(Can you see how tired Brad is in the background, poor guy?)

Ooehy,Gooey ...this feels funny...
Doctor at work...

Can you guess how many seeds were inside of Jack?... we have a contest every year...can you guess who won?

We had a fun time on Halloween. The kids had fun making art projects,carving pumpkins, and making pumpkin muffins. We did all these fun things as we waited for Dad and Mandy to return from her surgery. The kids were wanting to carve the pumpkin,which they named Jack(isn't that original?). They made the decision to wait so that Mandy could participate if she felt like it. Dad and Mandy arrived home in the early afternoon. Mandy rested a bit, Dad had to catch up on work,the littles took a nap, and the boys went with Mom to the store. We had to pick up a few snacks for our family fun "halloween" night. After naps, we took the kids to our town square for a trick or treat adventure. It was the first time they had done this in our town. The kids seemed to enjoy it, and there were lots of families out; however, only a few of the stores participated...maybe it was successful enough that others will catch on next year. The boys wanted to go to a fall festival at a local church, and Brad took them while mom and the littles(and a drooping Mandy) fixed the snacks. Have I mentioned what a terrific man my husband is? He was so tired from the trip that he was dragging and a bit spacy, but he stayed with us and helped make this a fun filled evening for our kids. We had snacks and treats for dinner, carved Jack, and then played a rousing game of Life until around midnight. The nice thing.... the kids slept until 9am Saturday( a very special gift for Mom). Saturday was spent cleaning up, doing the piled up laundry and switching out the summer clothes for fall/winter(not one of mom's favorite tasks). Today included church, lunch with friends, and still has to prepare for school tomorrow... some day it will slow down won't it? It sure makes life fun, and I know that I am going to miss this someday in the not to distant future.

1 comment:

Jill and Rick said...

Oh, I love the pictures of your crew!!!! We had Snow White and Minnie Mouse too one year. :-)

& Levi makes an ADORABLE Batman!! So little and so darned cute.

All the kids looked great and it looks like they had a wonderful time. We couldn't have asked for better weather!

Welcome home, Mandy and Brad! Mandy, we're so happy that you're home and doing well after your surgery.


Jill and the family