Mia and her "beach" cake...
Mia and her gift...
Mia and her brothers and sisters...(the chili peppers)
Mia turned 5 years old, yesterday. She got to have an extra special birthday celebration. Since we are on vacation, Mia got to have a beach birthday bash. Our day started with fun in the sun, sand, and ocean. We played,splashed, and built sand castles until we were all a pale shade of pink(and yes, we did use sunscreen). We spent part of the afternoon resting in front of a movie, and then by popular vote, we decidced to explore some of the local shops. We found a quaint little shopping area and want to make another visit there during our vacation week. Mia did not let us forget that we had to pick up "The Birthday"cake which we ordered for her party. After a quick stop at the store, we made our way to dinner. We always give the birthday person the opportunity to pick their favorite place to eat out. Mia decided she wanted "Seafood", and so we found Bubba's Seafood. It definitely turned out to be a "find". The food was simply delicious, but do you want to guess what Mia picked for her meal?...Mac n Cheese, sigh!, at least she ate it all and finished her plate(she eats like a bird most days). I think she even coerced her big brothers to share a few shrimp and a few bites of crab in addition to her standard fare. After dinner, we made our way through a few souvenir shops. We were really just window shopping;however, Nolan did find a "skin" board to ride the waves. After enjoying the pleasant evening out, we came back to the condo and had a fun birthday celebration with plenty of cake, ice cream, and presents. After all the cake and fun, it didn't take long for this tired crew to call it a night. It was a special, joyous, terrific day to celebrate our sweet Mia's birthday.
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