"Can I tell them who it is?...Not yet..."
The kids are studying Ancient Egypt this week. They are so excited about all the fun activities that accompany this study. Throughout the week, we will create mummies, create pyramids, and make a map of Upper and Lower Egypt. The older boys are fascinated by mummies and by that time in history. So, today we read about the mummification of King Cheops(also known as Khufu), and the boys "made a mummy". The little sister was the volunteer. It was fun watching them work, fun watching her reaction to it all, and fun seeing the other siblings reaction (of course, they all thought they needed a turn at being the mummy... we tried reusing the TP but it was kind of demolished, and we didn't want to be wasteful. We might try again but use strips of scrap cloth instead.). I hope you enjoy the pictures of our"little mummy", and I will try to post pictures of their pyramids when they are finished.
Looks like fun! & it looks like Mia was a good sport. ;-)
You are such a fun teacher...if I had a teacher like you I might have liked school for more than the social part of it.
You are doing a great job!
I love seeing pictures of your precious family!
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