Our Stupendous Six...
Writing a sentence using spelling words...
We were able to get school off and running this week. The first day of school the kids all awakened with great enthusiasm. We had a terrific breakfast, and then daddy "took" the kiddos to school. (I SO copied this from another homeschooling mom) We began the tradition this year of dad driving the kids around the block, and then bringing them to school. I was able to take some first day of school pictures. Even the older kids seemed to "play along" and liked it. Daddy made special notes for all of us on our first day of school. There were such special memories made for this first day.
As the week has progressed, my organization is paying off. I still feel as if I am one step away from falling off the organizational wagon. My goal for the weekend is to make "tune ups" to the schedules, and get lesson plans complete for the first six weeks of school, at least. The kids are beginning to pick up on the schedule, and like the curriculum. We will be studying World and Ancient History this year. The older two boys love Ancient Egypt and look forward to studying about mummies.
The two middles are learning to read and are taking off. Mom won't be surprised if they are reading without me by the 3rd week of school. The two littles are loving "tool" and want momma/"teacher" to keep them supplied with many activities(thank heaven for all those teaching manipulatives I kept from my public teaching days).
I begin to feel somewhat of a hermit as the school year begins. I have little time to myself and less time to answer phone calls and emails. I will do my very best to keep the blog updated... and please don't quit calling and emailing...I need to know that I still have friends out there(I just may not answer as often as I would like). I hope you enjoy the pictures of this rowdy crew and our "School".
Just "bumped" into your blog. I'm starting to homeschool my 1st grader this year... and wow you are home schooling 5 kids?! I must say that I am very impressed! :-)
Kim, I'm SO impressed that you got started with classes with all that you've had going on. It looks like you're all off to a GREAT start!
And stupendous they are!!! What a special day, their first day of school...I LOVE that their dad took them around the block...that is the BEST....you are making wonderful memories for each one. I am thinking about home schooling at first anyway and see how it goes...I think you are really amazing!!!
I wish you could meet me at Canton...seriously maybe someday we can...I definitely want to meet you sometime!
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