Garrett is 10 today! He has been excitedly waiting for this milestone in his life (mom,not so much). 10 means that he gets his "first-ever" pocket knife(he has so often reminded us in the last week). 10 means that he gets a "special" daddy day in which he and daddy share special guy things. 10 means that we are now the parents of two" double-digit"kiddos. 10 means our little boy is growing up much faster than we could ever want.
Garrett was born almost 2 months early, and in that pre-mature birth,God gave me an incredible peace. He allowed me a glimpse of the child he had created...a fighter! Garrett fought his way through all those obstacles at birth and has been a fighter ever since. He is very brave and very strong(physically,mentally, and spiritually). His dad and I continue to be humbled by this young man. He has always had a very giving spirit, and as he grows, we continue to see an amazing young person who loves people. He is outgoing, attentive, detail oriented, and so very compassionate.He would willingly give the shirt off of his back to anyone in need. He loves Jesus, his Lord and Savior, with all his heart, and he spends everyday striving to serve Him. We love his passionate nature and his zeal to make things right for everyone. Wow, ...and we get to call him our son!
Thank You, God, for this very beautiful gift, one of your children. We pray that we can continue to parent this child in a way that glorifies you. We pray that his life will be pleasing in your sight, and that he will always choose to serve you.
Happy Birthday, our beautiful baby boy!(Ok, so it's my blog and as momma I get to call him beautiful and he will always be my baby)
Well said.
He's a wonderful young man and it's a joy to watch him grow!
Love you, Garrett!
Mr Chris, Ms Tami, Ashleigh, Austin, Amy, Anna and Abe
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Laney was especially enjoying all the pictures! :)
The Dunlaps
Happy Birthday Garrett!!
Jill and the family
Happy birthday Garrett! Wow, double digits! Hope you are having a great day.
The Fredericks
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