Levi played his very first Tball game tonight. He was so very excited. He is a very serious ball player, and we had so much fun watching him play his heart out.
Ready and waiting in the outfield...
Working Hard to make that catch... he was able to stop it but didn't quite catch it.
Gotta get that ball to homeplate(the tongue out makes it easier to throw :-) )
Levi was "smacking" the ball all night... he had an amazing hit on this ball. In our t-ball league, the coaches pitch 3 balls and if the kids are unable to hit,they will then hit from the T. Levi hit off the coach pitches everytime...He really is a talented ball player.
Watching the game with great intensity...
Oh Kim, these pictures are GREAT! They sure tell the story of his first game. How fun!
We had a great time at the Spfld Cardinals game tonight, sittin' on the hill (& foul balls and home runs coming out there like crazy with tonight's wind), watchin' them win the game with a home run and then staying for the fireworks. Your kids would have loved it too!
OhmyGosh! He is the cutest little ball player ever! You got some really great action shots!
We're waiting to adopt our little boy - looking forward to some events like this!
Great job Levi! We'll have to come see you play some time.
Kim....I LOVE THE PICTURES....yes you guessed....I was yelling that :-). Oh my he does look like a little natural. And the glasses resting on the bill of his cap looks so PRO :-)....that boy of yours is too cute!!!!!
4 more sleeps...4 more sleeps...4 more sleeps!!! it just can't rain....Please NO rain.
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