We pray that all of you shared in the glorious day of Jesus' resurrection. He lives so that we may live forever with him in eternity! We began our day attending Sunday School and church. It is my month to teach the Kindergarten class, and I have to tell you, it was a joy to celebrate with all the kids. Many were decked out in their Easter finery, but more than that they were excited to share, and listen to the story of Jesus' love for us. It was wonderful to watch and hear them answer questions, and listen to their discussions. It wasn't about Easter eggs and candy.... what a great job their mom's and dad's are doing teaching them. It was truly an amazing blessing to my day! The church service was lovely, and the lesson spoke directly to my heart. We are truly the temple of the Lord. It isn't the building or the physical aspects of a church service. We should be acting and treating our bodies as "the church". Jesus dwells within us, and we should be honoring him!
Following church, we returned home for a "snack" because we would be having a big dinner later. We always get the kids an Easter surprise, and this year we filled Sand Pails with items for the beach (We hope to take a vacation to the beach at the end of summer). There were a few candy filled eggs included. The kids loved their surprise, and delved into their pails with gusto. They entertained themselves for a bit. Brad did a little work around the house, and I spent a great amount of the day in the kitchen fixing the "huge" Easter meal. I'm not sure who all I thought I was feeding(guess I was missing our rather large extended family). We invited some friends to join us, and the kids had a great time hunting eggs, sneaking candy, and playing together. It was just a relaxing peaceful day, and we were so blessed to share it as a family.
1 comment:
My kids would say that OUR Easter bunny is CHEAP!
Remember Easter two years ago??? A little different this year, huh?
Love you, friend!
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