I distinctly remember his 6th birthday(not that I don't remember special things about all his birthdays)...He had anticipated that particular birthday for several months, and on that day, he exclaimed"Yeah, I am now a teeneager!" ...to which we laughed and replied,"You have a long,long time until you are a teenager."....Where did those 7 yrs go?
So, it is official, we are parenting a teenager as of today! Believe it or not, we are looking forward to this phase of his life and our lives. Nolan is a terrifc kid. We are enjoying his wonderful personality, his amazingly joyful sense of humor, his sensitive,caring heart, his respectful,loving manner, and his incredible love of and commitment to Jesus,his Lord and Savior. We are blessed to call him our son and treasure the gift that God entrusted to us 13 yrs ago.
We love you Nolan! We pray that you continue to trust the Lord with your whole life and that you experience the joys of living your life for Him! Happy Birthday son!!
Happy Birthday, Nolan!
(I just yelled "Today is Nolan's 13th Birthday!" to which Ash replied "He already *acted* like a teenager!" HA!)
Hope you have a great day!!!
Happy Birthday!
Our kids are getting close and I'm looking forward to the teenage years, as well!!
Happy Birthday Nolan! Those years do fly by. I've got three and an almost now! Don't blink, he'll be driving next!
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